Enjoying a $2 Teen Burger

Enjoying a $2 Teen Burger at A&W thanks to the Toronto Maple Leafs

You Always Get Paid. But Not Always in Cash.

Just finished updating the website for the Church I've been attending for the better part of a year. It's an Anglican Church. That matters only because I converted to Catholicism in 1992 at the age of 31...go ahead, do the math, I'll wait.

I'm not attending this particular Church because it is Anglican. I'm attending it because I'm a Christian, and I see Jesus in the people I worship with. It can be any kind of Church you name, but it's the community that held me here. There is nothing more powerful or attractive than people who live their faith...not proclaim it, LIVE it. As the poem goes, "I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day."

So when asked if I could help out with their website, Facebook page and social media, of course I said yes. This brings me to getting paid. No, they don't write me a cheque. But of all the work I do, I like this the best. So my payment comes in other forms. And if you do volunteer work of any kind, you already know what I mean.


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